Easy Does It Now — Heather Houston

A beautiful reminder to tune INTO our voices — pure enjoyment, pure bliss, pure pleasure.

Easy does it now
Slow it down
Feel the sound
As you breathe, sing, freely now
Tune, croon, swoon…

Heather Houston
© June 2022

I Say Yes — Heather Houston

Saying yes to our dreams…

I say yes
I say yes
I say yes

© Heather Houston

SA TA NA MA – Heather Houston

A mantra from the Kundalini tradition. The sounds comes from one of the oldest mantras Sat Nam which means “my true essence” or “true identity” and are designed to be uplifting. There are many interpretations for each of the sounds, one being that there is no meaning to the sounds at all, but simply a vibration, and a stimulation of 84 acupressure points in the palate of the mouth which occurs when singing and whispering the words. Other translations of the sounds are:

SA is birth, the beginning, infinity, the totality of everything that ever was, is, or will be.

TA is life, existence, and creativity which manifests from infinity.

NA is death, change, and the transformation of consciousness.

MA is rebirth, regeneration, and resurrection which allows us to consciously experience the joy of the infinite.

SA Mudra
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger (the Jupiter finger), held while chanting SA.

It is believed that the connection of the thumb and first finger brings us knowledge, expands our field possibilities and releases us from limitations.

The connection of the two is said to increase the air element within the body creating positive effects on the emotions, empowering the nervous system, stimulating the pituitary gland and the entire endocrine gland system.

Shuni Mudra – (Akaash Vardhak)
Ta Mudra
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the middle finger (the Saturn finger), held while chanting TA.

It is believed that the connection of the thumb and middle finger give us patience, wisdom and purity.

The connection of the two is said to increase the ether or space element within the body, creating positive effects on our thoughts and intuition. It is also believed to detoxify the body through elimination and relieve a variety of congestions.

Surya Mudra – (Ravi Mudra & Prithvi Vardahk)

Na Mudra (hand movement)
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the ring finger (the Uranus or Sun finger), held while chanting NA.

It is believed that the connection of the thumb and ring finger brings us vitality and aliveness.

The connection of the two is said to increase the earth element within the body while at the same time decreasing the fire element. This creates positive effects on our bodily tissues such as bones, muscles, tendons and inner organs. It is said to increase endurance, strength and vitality.

Buddhi Mudra – (Jal Vardhak)
Ma Mudra
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the pinky finger (the Mercury finger), held while chanting MA.

It is believed that the connection of the thumb and pinky finger aids clear communication.

The connection of the two is said to reduce the water element within the body. This helps to reduce challenges of excessive hormones, and water retention. It decreases watery eyes, runny noses and loose bowels.

Research also shows that by using the Hand mudras in conjunction with the sounds improves blood flow to areas in the brain that control motor sensory and memory.



© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Wind – Heather Houston

Wind By Heather Houston

This beautiful chant swept through me one magical Spring day in my little garden paradise. The melody captivated my spirit, and before I knew it I was in the house recording what I heard and eight different harmony parts emerged. It’s a super rough cut, but I’m delighted to share. My voice, in the raw, completely spontaneous, no edits, no re-dos… just the spirit of the wind singing through me…

You are welcome to sing and share, please do not record.

Wind purify me
Help me to see
the way to my freedom

© Heather Houston
all rights reserved

Brave Magic – Heather Houston

Inspired by a retreat led by Cheryl Strayed and Elizabeth Gilbert at 1440 Multiversity entitled “Brave Magic.” I had the absolute honor of leading a song circle of 75 people and this chant came through for them.

You are welcome to sing and share this song. Recording is not permitted.

I am opening to the mystery
Allowing creativity to flow
And there is brave magic in my heart
And I will keep tending to that spark

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Now I Walk In Beauty — A Navajo Prayer

A Navajo prayer put to music by Gregg Smith. Made popular by Libana. This is a sweet round with a big vocal range. Be sure that you are nice and warmed up before you sing it.


Now I walk in beauty
Beauty is before me
Beauty is behind me
Above and below me

Bright Morning Stars – An Appalachian Folk Tune

Bright Morning Stars – An Appalachian Folk Tune

Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Day is a’breaking
In my soul
Oh where are our dear fathers?
Oh where are our dear fathers?
They are down in the valley a’praying
Day is a’breaking
In my soul
Oh where are our dear mothers? Oh where are our dear mothers?
They are gone to heaven a’shouting
Day is a’breaking In my soul
Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Day is a’breaking
In my soul

Mama Gaia – Heather Houston

A tribute to our beautiful Mother Earth. This one flowed through on a warm Spring day in 2020 with the energy of gratitude in my heart! Sung in a round. It’s quite challenging vocally, so make sure that you and your participants are good and warmed up, and invite them to breathe deeply.

Oh Mama Gaia
Oh Mama Gaia
Oh Mama Gaia
We sing our praise to you!