Brave Magic – Heather Houston

Inspired by a retreat led by Cheryl Strayed and Elizabeth Gilbert at 1440 Multiversity entitled “Brave Magic.” I had the absolute honor of leading a song circle of 75 people and this chant came through for them.

You are welcome to sing and share this song. Recording is not permitted.

I am opening to the mystery
Allowing creativity to flow
And there is brave magic in my heart
And I will keep tending to that spark

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Show Me What Is Mine to Do — Heather Houston

As we continue to navigate our way in these confounding times, I find it helpful to make requests like: “Show me what is mine to do. Truly mine, not anyone else’s. Please continue revealing to me my own unique path. How can I share my gifts? How can I best be of service to my community?”

Show me what is mine to do

© Heather Houston
July 2020

Bright Morning Stars – An Appalachian Folk Tune

Bright Morning Stars – An Appalachian Folk Tune

Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Day is a’breaking
In my soul
Oh where are our dear fathers?
Oh where are our dear fathers?
They are down in the valley a’praying
Day is a’breaking
In my soul
Oh where are our dear mothers? Oh where are our dear mothers?
They are gone to heaven a’shouting
Day is a’breaking In my soul
Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Bright morning stars are rising
Day is a’breaking
In my soul

Love Is Moving in My Heart — Rickie Byars

I learned this uplifting song when the Agape choir sang at the opening celebration for 1440 Multiversity. Great song to get you going in the morning! It’s a zipper song: add one of your own words in.

This song is in the public domain
Used with permission


Love is moving in my heart in a (joyful, loving, easy, etc.) way x2
Shining like the sun, warming up my day
Love is moving me on my way

The World We Want to See — Heather Houston

A song for these COVID times… We are transforming before our own eyes… Let’s stay awake, do the deep work, have the hard conversations, activate, dream, imagine, vision, and create the world we want to live in.

We are creating the world we wanna see
We are creating the world we wanna see
We are creating the world we wanna be
We’re calling ourselves to believe
We’re calling ourselves to be free

© Heather Houston 6/2020
All rights reserved

Mama Gaia – Heather Houston

A tribute to our beautiful Mother Earth. This one flowed through on a warm Spring day in 2020 with the energy of gratitude in my heart! Sung in a round. It’s quite challenging vocally, so make sure that you and your participants are good and warmed up, and invite them to breathe deeply.

Oh Mama Gaia
Oh Mama Gaia
Oh Mama Gaia
We sing our praise to you!

Sacred Fire – Heather Houston

“Women we’re calling you… home to the sacred fire.
Healing our hearts, planting our seeds,
Weaving our prayers, amplifying our dreams.”

Women, we know how powerful it is to gather in circle with our sisters. Let’s keep calling ourselves home, each other home. It is here, in this sacred container that we find the courage to heal and transform our lives.

© Heather Houston 2019
All rights reserved

Vocal Meditation Practice – Major Scale

What a gift this precious instrument we call the voice. It gives us the opportunity to deepen. We deepen our awareness, we let go, we expand our consciousness and return home to our hearts. We are forever changed.

Keep Movin’ Forward My Darlin’ – Valerie Bynne

Keep Movin’ Forward My Darlin’ by Valerie Byrne

Written for Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez and all of the women in the world who are moving forward with purpose and passion! Keep movin’ forward loves! We see you, we support you, we appreciate you!! Thank you for writing this powerful song Valerie! We love it!


Keep movin’ forward my darlin’
Keep movin’ on my love
You know you are the beloved one
To answer to your calling

© Valerie Byrne
All rights reserved

Storm of Sound – Valerie Byrne

A beautiful layer song of empowerment. This one came through Valerie the day of the 2019 Women’s march. We like to get everyone marching to the beat together to feel even more deeply the solidarity of the community. Valerie is a long time member of my women’s choir Yala Lati and has been writing more and more songs for us to enjoy!

Part 1
A storm of sound, a growing thunder
What will change? I wonder?

Part 2
We are the voice of this age
Let your voice rage rage like thunder

Part 3
We are the one walking in truth
Let your voice rage like thunder

Storm of Sound