Ride Your Thermals — Anne Woodward

Our very own Sisters in Harmony Song Leader Training graduate Anne shares this song with us:

When anxious, I feel physical sensations of unrest coursing through my veins. It’s an unpleasant feeling – and, when it happens, I know the struggle my body is having is created by patterned ways of thinking (limiting beliefs). Recently, I felt that familiar sensation of anxiety in my body. I wanted to let go of the thoughts creating fear, so I decided to write a Medicine Song to help me shift my awareness. I remembered a powerful essay by DeWitt Jones that I’d read 20 years ago… It deeply impacted me at the time and I wanted to capture its wisdom in a song for myself. So, I re-read the essay, “Stop Flapping,” by DeWitt Jones… and this is the song that came through.


Quit flapping, ride your thermals
Rise, baby, rise
Stop struggling, ride your thermals
Rise, baby, rise

Trust that they are there
No need to worry or be scared
Move to your edge
Let go and soar…

© Anne Woodward 7/2021
All rights reserved

Simplify — Anne Woodward

Our very own Sisters in Harmony Song Leader Training graduate Anne shares this song with us:

A medicine song for those times when we find ourselves on overwhelm. Simplify: breathe, let go, and create spaciousness.


Breathe in, let go,
Embrace the flow,

Breathe in, let go,
Let Spirit flow,

Sing my way home to love.
Sing my way home to peace.
Sing my way home to love.
Sing my way home to me.

© Anne Woodward  2/17/2021
All rights reserved

Mother Waters — Heather Houston

Offered in utter devotion to our Mother Waters. This one poured through me as I knelt down on the banks of the Tuolumne River to express my gratitude. To be sung with reverence and devotion.


Oh Mother Waters
Thank you for your healing song
Oh Mother Waters
Here I know
that I belong

© Heather Houston
August 2021
All rights reserved


The Lost Words Blessing — Various Artists

Lyrics inspired by Robert MacFarlane & Jackie Morris’s book “The Lost Words: A Spell Book“, honoring words from the natural word that have been disappearing from a widely used children’s dictionary since 2007, replaced with modern words which the editors thought were more useful to today’s kids.

Music by: Julie Fowlis, Karine Polwart, Seckou Keita, Kris Drever, Rachel Newton, Beth Porter, Jim Molyneux, Kerry Andrew.

The form of the song is inspired by Scottish Gaelic blessings, particularly from a collection of poems, prayers, incantations, and lore called the Carmina Gadelica.

This music video shows the artists creating the song:


Enter the wild with care my love
And speak the things you see
Let new names take and root and thrive and grow
And even as you travel far from heather, crag, and river
May you like the little fisher set the stream alight with glitter
May you enter now as otter without falter into water

Look to the sky with care my love
And speak the things you see
Let new names take and root and thrive and grow
And even as you journey on past dying stars exploding
Like the gilded one in flight, leave your little gifts of light
And in the dead of night my darling, find the gleaming eye of starling
Like the little aviator, sing your heart to all dark matter

Walk through the world with care, my love
And sing the things you see
Let new names take and root and thrive and grow
And even as you stumble through machair sands eroding
Let the fern unfurl your grieving, let the heron still your breathing
Let the selkie swim you deeper, oh my little silver-seeker
Even as the hour grows bleaker, be the singer and the speaker
And in city and in forest, let the larks become your chorus
And when every hope is gone, let the raven call you home

You Don’t Know Till You Know — Heather Houston

How many times have we made up stories and run with them, only to find out that they were untrue? Anyone? Okay, maybe it’s just me, and oh boy have I worked myself into some agony, some anxiety, some fear, some disbelief! I get better at catching myself sooner as I grow more hairs of wisdom on my head. And this song really helps. 🙂

This is a super fun and easy quick teach!


Part 1:
You don’t know till you know
so don’t run and go
making up
any stories

Part 2:
No, you don’t know
till you know,
you know?

Part 3:
You don’t know
if it’s true
you know?

© Heather Houston
August 2021
All rights reserved

I Trust — Heather Houston

Opening to trust…


Parts 1 & 2:
Oh I trust
in the flow
of the infinite,
the benevolent

Parts 3 & 4:
All things come to me
with ease and grace

© Heather Houston
October 2021
All rights reserved

Equinox Blessing (Shadows & Light) — Heather Houston

Received on the morning of the Fall Equinox of 2021 at sunrise. A hauntingly beautiful layer song!


Part 1:
Honoring the darkness,
Honoring the light,
Honoring the day,
Honoring the night

Part 2:
All things find their way
into balance

Part 3:
Suspended in time

Part 4:
Shadows and light

Part 5, highest voice:
Suspended in time

© Heather Houston
September 21, 2021
All rights reserved

We Only Have Today — Heather Houston

One Sunday morning, in the midst of covid craziness, the Reverend Deborah Johnson preached: “We only have today, we only have right now.” And then this song poured out. It’s a reminder for me to be present with every precious moment in these rapidly changing times.


We only have today
We only have right now
This precious moment
I surrender and allow

© Heather Houston
July 2021
All rights reserved

I Say Yes — Heather Houston

Saying yes to our dreams…

I say yes
I say yes
I say yes

© Heather Houston

I Forgive Myself – Heather Houston

When we forgive ourselves and others, we set ourselves free. This song arrived in my life near Valentine’s Day and my Birthday. I always like to tune in to forgiveness as an act of self-love in February, and this year, I was blessed with a song. May it invite you to set yourself a little more free!


I forgive myself
For all the things,
I did and did not do
to cause me pain.
I forgive myself
for all the times,
I did not stay true,
and was not aligned,
with my highest self,
and my greatest good,
now I’m letting go
to get free.

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved