Ride Your Thermals — Anne Woodward

Our very own Sisters in Harmony Song Leader Training graduate Anne shares this song with us:

When anxious, I feel physical sensations of unrest coursing through my veins. It’s an unpleasant feeling – and, when it happens, I know the struggle my body is having is created by patterned ways of thinking (limiting beliefs). Recently, I felt that familiar sensation of anxiety in my body. I wanted to let go of the thoughts creating fear, so I decided to write a Medicine Song to help me shift my awareness. I remembered a powerful essay by DeWitt Jones that I’d read 20 years ago… It deeply impacted me at the time and I wanted to capture its wisdom in a song for myself. So, I re-read the essay, “Stop Flapping,” by DeWitt Jones… and this is the song that came through.


Quit flapping, ride your thermals
Rise, baby, rise
Stop struggling, ride your thermals
Rise, baby, rise

Trust that they are there
No need to worry or be scared
Move to your edge
Let go and soar…

© Anne Woodward 7/2021
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