I Trust — Heather Houston
Opening to trust…
Parts 1 & 2:
Oh I trust
in the flow
of the infinite,
the benevolent
Parts 3 & 4:
All things come to me
with ease and grace
© Heather Houston
October 2021
All rights reserved
Opening to trust…
Parts 1 & 2:
Oh I trust
in the flow
of the infinite,
the benevolent
Parts 3 & 4:
All things come to me
with ease and grace
© Heather Houston
October 2021
All rights reserved
Received on the morning of the Fall Equinox of 2021 at sunrise. A hauntingly beautiful layer song!
Part 1:
Honoring the darkness,
Honoring the light,
Honoring the day,
Honoring the night
Part 2:
All things find their way
into balance
Part 3:
Suspended in time
Part 4:
Shadows and light
Part 5, highest voice:
Suspended in time
© Heather Houston
September 21, 2021
All rights reserved
One Sunday morning, in the midst of covid craziness, the Reverend Deborah Johnson preached: “We only have today, we only have right now.” And then this song poured out. It’s a reminder for me to be present with every precious moment in these rapidly changing times.
We only have today
We only have right now
This precious moment
I surrender and allow
© Heather Houston
July 2021
All rights reserved
Saying yes to our dreams…
I say yes
I say yes
I say yes
© Heather Houston
When we forgive ourselves and others, we set ourselves free. This song arrived in my life near Valentine’s Day and my Birthday. I always like to tune in to forgiveness as an act of self-love in February, and this year, I was blessed with a song. May it invite you to set yourself a little more free!
I forgive myself
For all the things,
I did and did not do
to cause me pain.
I forgive myself
for all the times,
I did not stay true,
and was not aligned,
with my highest self,
and my greatest good,
now I’m letting go
to get free.
© Heather Houston
All rights reserved
For the moments we need to feel held and connected – to be able to sink in and feel resourced. I use the lyrics earth, sea, tree, sky, stars, but please use as a zipper song and invite yourself or your participants to bring their ideas in to the mix.
The earth holds me
so I can hold others,
yes I can hold others,
these arms are strong.
In this version I add in:
Sea, tree, sky, stars, sun, etc…
© Heather Houston
All rights reserved
A mantra from the Kundalini tradition. The sounds comes from one of the oldest mantras Sat Nam which means “my true essence” or “true identity” and are designed to be uplifting. There are many interpretations for each of the sounds, one being that there is no meaning to the sounds at all, but simply a vibration, and a stimulation of 84 acupressure points in the palate of the mouth which occurs when singing and whispering the words. Other translations of the sounds are:
SA is birth, the beginning, infinity, the totality of everything that ever was, is, or will be.
TA is life, existence, and creativity which manifests from infinity.
NA is death, change, and the transformation of consciousness.
MA is rebirth, regeneration, and resurrection which allows us to consciously experience the joy of the infinite.
SA Mudra
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger (the Jupiter finger), held while chanting SA.
It is believed that the connection of the thumb and first finger brings us knowledge, expands our field possibilities and releases us from limitations.
The connection of the two is said to increase the air element within the body creating positive effects on the emotions, empowering the nervous system, stimulating the pituitary gland and the entire endocrine gland system.
Shuni Mudra – (Akaash Vardhak)
Ta Mudra
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the middle finger (the Saturn finger), held while chanting TA.
It is believed that the connection of the thumb and middle finger give us patience, wisdom and purity.
The connection of the two is said to increase the ether or space element within the body, creating positive effects on our thoughts and intuition. It is also believed to detoxify the body through elimination and relieve a variety of congestions.
Surya Mudra – (Ravi Mudra & Prithvi Vardahk)
Na Mudra (hand movement)
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the ring finger (the Uranus or Sun finger), held while chanting NA.
It is believed that the connection of the thumb and ring finger brings us vitality and aliveness.
The connection of the two is said to increase the earth element within the body while at the same time decreasing the fire element. This creates positive effects on our bodily tissues such as bones, muscles, tendons and inner organs. It is said to increase endurance, strength and vitality.
Buddhi Mudra – (Jal Vardhak)
Ma Mudra
The connection of the tip of the thumb and the tip of the pinky finger (the Mercury finger), held while chanting MA.
It is believed that the connection of the thumb and pinky finger aids clear communication.
The connection of the two is said to reduce the water element within the body. This helps to reduce challenges of excessive hormones, and water retention. It decreases watery eyes, runny noses and loose bowels.
Research also shows that by using the Hand mudras in conjunction with the sounds improves blood flow to areas in the brain that control motor sensory and memory.
© Heather Houston
All rights reserved
Positive affirmations for this human experience.
My spirit is resilient
My body heals
My mind knows its brilliance
And my precious heart it feels
© Heather Houston
All rights reserved
An affirmation of who we are as we weave the web of love across the world. May we continue to rise together! I usually teach only the melody of this song and just have fun singing it! 🙂
We are sisters of the moon
And daughters of the sun
We are mothers of the world
Our voices they are one
We are lovers of the earth
And guardians of the land
We are weavers of the dream
Together we are standing
We are healers
We are teachers
We are dreamers
We are revealers
Of the TRUTH
We are sisters of the moon
And daughters of the sun
We are mothers of the world
Our voices they are one
We are lovers of the earth
And guardians of the land
We are weavers of the dream
Together we are standing
© Heather Houston
All rights reserved
Moon bathing magic. Simple, quiet, gentle, easy to learn. To be sung quietly, as a lullaby.
Bathed in moonlight,
Soft breeze
Quiet night
Don chit dit di deet don don don
Don chit dit di deet don
Low Harmony:
Dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom
High Harmony:
© Heather Houston
All rights reserved