Right Here Now – Heather Houston

Honoring the SACRED PAUSE. This song came through shortly after we were sheltered in place in 2020. I was feeling afraid and confused and devastated by it all. In a state of panic, I remembered that the most powerful, calming thing I can do is to call myself into the present moment. And I just started singing, and this is what moved through me…


Right here now, in this present moment,
Right here now, I am singing
Right here now in this present moment,
Right here now, I am breathing

Pause with the exhale, let go surrender

All is well, I am held in the arms of Love
​​​​​​​All is well, I am held by the One

Right here now, this is holy ground
Right here now, this is sacred sound

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved


Sacred Vessel – Heather Houston

A love song to the body temple, and a prayer that we all may treat our bodies as the sacred vessels they are. The healing wisdom lies within.

My body is a sacred vessel
That cycles with the stars and the moon
My body is a sacred vessel
Her rhythm is always in tune
And I cherish who she is becoming
And I listen to the wisdom she brings
I love her as she is in this moment
I am lifted as she sings

My body is a sacred vessel
That sheds my tears
And embraces the rain
My body is a sacred vessel
There is wisdom in her pain
And I honor her in her fullest expression
I’m opening to all that she feels
And I am thankful for the journey we’re sharing
I am lifted as she heals

My body is a sacred vessel
That holds my heart
And frees my soul
My body is a sacred vessel
Her every need I come to know
And I treat her with compassion and kindness
And I hold her close and remove all her sheathes
I invite her to dance with grace and devotion
I am lifted as she breathes

Bird of Light — Heather Houston

I offer this chant as a powerful practice of presencing. In the dark, difficult, and uncertain times, one of the most powerful tools I’ve found is to chant mantra. Mantra, that which protects the mind, helps us to enter into a one-pointed concentration, thus quieting the looping stories and the fears.

Choose one part and stick to it throughout, and notice how you feel afterward. This is also a beautiful one to sing with a large group of people.

Hamsa so hum translates as “I Am That” in Sanskrit. In Vedic philosophy, it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. The Soham mantra has been called the universal mantra because of the fact that its vibration is already a part of the breath, and everybody breathes. Sooooo… is the sound of inhalation, and Hummmm… is the sound of exhalation.

Hamsa means white swan. The swan, of course, is an ancient symbol of spiritual grace and purity. The mantra is called White Swan because when the in-breath and out-breath are freed and purified, they are like the wings of a swan helping our spirits to soar. The Hamsa mantra helps us find the grace within and carries us beyond our limited concepts.


Hamsa so hum, hamsa so hum

I am that I am that I am, I am that I am that I am

So hum, so hum, so hum, so hum

I am this breath, I am this voice

I am a bird of light, I am a bird in flight

© November 2019
Heather Houston
All rights reserved

I Am Enough — Heather Houston

For the New Moon in Aries 2020. It’s time for all of us to trust our own worth and allow our spirits to shine! The world needs us!!


Part 1
I am enough, I am more than enough
I am enough, I am more than enough
I am enough, I am more than enough
And I’m reclaiming my power

Part 2
There is room enough for me to be
Exactly who I was born to be
And I will set my true gifts free
‘Cause I’m reclaiming my power

Part 3
I’m a unique expression of the Divine
And I’m here to let my spirit shine!

© Heather Houston
all rights reserved

You Are Light by Heather Houston

A beautiful gathering song for these times. Namaste – the light (Divine) in me honors the light (Divine) within you. A beautiful greeting song!!

Part 1
The light in me, honors the light within you

Part 2
Oh… you are, yes you are, light

Part 3
Oh… you are light

Part 4
I am light, you are light, I am light, you are light

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Love Moves In Me – Heather Houston

This song called me into a deeply meditative and prayerful space for hours on the Saturday morning of October 27th, 2018. Little did I know that as the song was pouring through me, the mass shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh was taking place. I can only hope that my space of deep love and prayer touched a broken heart or two. May this song invite us all to be a conduit for Love in every circumstance.


Love moves in me
Through me, as me
Love moves in me,
Through me, as me

And I’m receiving each breath with love
And I am walking each step with love

© Heather Houston 2018
All rights reserved



Oh Holy Morn — Heather Houston

I received this sweet song on the beautiful frosty morning of Dec. 22nd, 2017. I harmonized it on Dec. 21st of 2019. I just love these tight harmonies! It can also be sung as a round.


Oh holy morn of frosty winter
Dawn of love’s returning light
Speak to me in songs of wonder
Teach my heart to shine so bright

© Heather Houston 2017
All rights reserved

Wade in the Water Medley – Traditional Spirituals

Traditional Spirituals

I learned this medley from Ysaye Barnwell at a music educators conference way back in 1999. A favorite amongst my elementary school choirs as well as my adult choirs and circles.

Wade In the Water was an Underground Railroad song, sung as a guide to assist the those moving towards freedom to know where the safe river crossings were, or to get into the water so the dogs would lose the scent. Also referencing the Bible from Exedos. “An angel troubled the water”. A call to get in the water to become whole and healed again.

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child – a song of grief for those separated from their families and their homeland.

I Wanna Die Easy When I Die – the enslaved people’s way of claiming that they WILL make it to freedom, and they will not die until they do – Such strength and conviction of spirit!

When I sing these songs with my groups, I also like to presence that we are still on a journey of reparations, justice and equality with people of color who are descendants of the enslaved. There are still deep wounds that need to be healed. I like to have the circle speak their prayers, or I like to set an intention that as we sing these songs, we are creating a ripple of love and healing for those still on the journey, and for our nation as a whole.


Wade In The Water

Wade in the water
Wade in the water children
Wade in the water
God’s gonna trouble the water

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
A long way from home

I Wanna Die Easy

I wanna die easy when I die
I wanna die easy when I die
I wanna die easy when I die
Shout salvation when I rise
I want to die easy when I die

These songs are in the public domain

Hope Lingers On – Low Lily

By Low Lily (Lissa Schneckenburger)

A beam of hope in these trying times! The miracle cure… choosing love over hate and fear.


My mother, when love is gone
My mother, when love is gone, in our darkest hour, hope lingers on
My father, when peace is gone
My father, when peace is gone, in our darkest hour, hope lingers on
I will not hate and I will not fear, in our darkest hour, hope lingers here
My sister, when equality’s gone
My sister, when equality’s gone, in our darkest hour, hope lingers on
My brother, with tolerance gone
My brother, with tolerance gone, in our darkest hour, hope lingers on
I will not hate and I will not fear, in our darkest hour, hope lingers here
My love, when honor is gone
My love, when honor is gone, in our darkest hour, hope lingers on
My country, when justice is gone
My country, when justice is gone, in our darkest hour, hope lingers on
I will not and I will fear, in our darkest hour, hope lingers here
I will not and I will fear, in our darkest hour, hope lingers here

Used with permission

© Lissa Schneckenburger
All rights reserved

Arranged by Heather Houston

Divine Mystery — Heather Houston

This one flowed through for a room full of women entrepreneurs. It’s been a favorite for many ever since. A beautiful layer song.


Oh I am opening up for a dance with Divine Mystery
Oh I am trusting the path that’s unfolding before me with ease

Just let go now, trust the flow
Just let go now, then you’ll know

Right on time now, I’ve arrived
Right on time now, I’m aligned

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Sisters of the Moon Album Version:

 Rough Recording on Heather’s Garage Band: