Here and Now – Heather Houston

Inspired by my Art of Mindful Singing students. When I asked for a chant to come through for them / us in these times, this is what emerged. In all that’s moving and shaking right now, we need to keep finding the center of our own magnificent beingness. Nervous system restoration.


Part 1: Here and now

Part 2: I am here, right now

Part 3: Here I am in the center

Part 4: I am here, right now

Be Gentle — Heather Houston

This song came through right after our first big Sisters in Harmony Retreat in the Summer of 2022. I was feeling so tender and expanded and wanted to remain in that post retreat bliss bubble for longer. The “shoulds” were beginning to creep in… “I should unpack my car, I should start some laundry, I should go jump in the ocean, I should….” But all I really wanted to do was lie in the shade on my deck and feel it all, to integrate it all, to stay connected to the powerful energy of love in my heart. I imagined that some of the women from the retreat were having a similar experience. When I tuned in to the community, this song started emerging for us. “Be gentle with yourself.” Give yourself total permission to do whatever you desire… just for the rest of the day at least. 😉

Be gentle with yourself
Please be gentle with yourself

Heather Houston
© 07/2022

Sun Shine — Jan Estep

Our very own Sisters in Harmony Song Leader Training graduate Jan shares this song with us:

A four-part layer song, written to celebrate the power and healing presence of the Sun. Multiple harmonies and rhythms stack together, bursting with light and energy. For anyone who has experienced dark days of depression, being outside on a bright sunny day is natural medicine.


Parts 1 & 2, melody and higher harmony:

Sun shine down on me, let my body breath the light
Sun shine down on me, let my body feel your warmth
Sun shine down on me, help me thaw these frozen bones
Sun shine down on me, help me find my way back home

Part 3, low:

Sun shine, sun shine, healing me, setting me free (4x)

Part 4, high:

Shine your light (2x)
Shine your light, shine your light, shine your light, shine your light (2x)

© Jan Estep 05/18/2021
All rights reserved
Jan’s site


Braving the Wilderness — Anne Woodward

Our very own Sisters in Harmony Song Leader Training graduate Anne shares this song with us:

With gratitude to Brené Brown and her book, “Braving the Wilderness.” There is a yearning, especially in women, to find their voice and express themselves. For most of my life, I’ve been deferential (particularly around men), avoiding arguments and fearing confrontation, finding it difficult to speak up, even when encountering negativity, judgment, b.s., or polarization (things I know in my heart aren’t helping foster connection). Each time I remain quiet, I give away my power. We “brave the wilderness,” when we act with integrity by speaking up and voicing our opinion (with civility), rather than remaining silent… even when it’s not easy. And the more often we do so, the more graceful our delivery, and the more awesome it feels to be true to ourselves!

3 parts: melody, vocalized syncopated beat low layer, and high harmony


I’m a woman
Who wants to be heard
I’m a woman, singing her song
I’m a woman, braving the wilderness
Speaking my voice
And rising strong

We are women
Who want to be heard
We are women
Singing our songs
We are women
Lifting our voices
And braving the wilderness
To right what’s wrong

Braving the wilderness to right what’s wrong
Braving the wilderness to right… what’s… wrong…

© Anne Woodward 06/2021
All rights reserved

You Don’t Know Till You Know — Heather Houston

How many times have we made up stories and run with them, only to find out that they were untrue? Anyone? Okay, maybe it’s just me, and oh boy have I worked myself into some agony, some anxiety, some fear, some disbelief! I get better at catching myself sooner as I grow more hairs of wisdom on my head. And this song really helps. 🙂

This is a super fun and easy quick teach!


Part 1:
You don’t know till you know
so don’t run and go
making up
any stories

Part 2:
No, you don’t know
till you know,
you know?

Part 3:
You don’t know
if it’s true
you know?

© Heather Houston
August 2021
All rights reserved

I Trust — Heather Houston

Opening to trust…


Parts 1 & 2:
Oh I trust
in the flow
of the infinite,
the benevolent

Parts 3 & 4:
All things come to me
with ease and grace

© Heather Houston
October 2021
All rights reserved

Equinox Blessing (Shadows & Light) — Heather Houston

Received on the morning of the Fall Equinox of 2021 at sunrise. A hauntingly beautiful layer song!


Part 1:
Honoring the darkness,
Honoring the light,
Honoring the day,
Honoring the night

Part 2:
All things find their way
into balance

Part 3:
Suspended in time

Part 4:
Shadows and light

Part 5, highest voice:
Suspended in time

© Heather Houston
September 21, 2021
All rights reserved

My Spirit is Resilient – Heather Houston

Positive affirmations for this human experience.


My spirit is resilient
My body heals
My mind knows its brilliance
And my precious heart it feels

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Bathed in Moonlight – Heather Houston

Moon bathing magic. Simple, quiet, gentle, easy to learn. To be sung quietly, as a lullaby.


Bathed in moonlight,
Soft breeze
Quiet night

Don chit dit di deet don don don
Don chit dit di deet don

Low Harmony:
Dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom

High Harmony:

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Shosholoza – Traditional song from Zimbabwe

Shosholoza From Zimbabwe

“Shosholoza” is an Nguni song that was sung by the mixed tribes of miners mining gold in South Africa. It is a mix of Zulu and Ndebele words and can have various other South African languages thrown in depending on the singers. It was sung by African workers that were working in the South African mines in a call and response style. As the miners sang, their spirits were lifted.

The lyrics of the song refer to the steam trains that used to carry migrant miners from Zimbabwe to South Africa. But as the melody suggests, the song is really about hope. Literally, Shosholoza means “go forward” in the Ndebele language. In the late 20th century, anti-apartheid activists found the song inspiring and used it to keep up their hopes. Then, when apartheid fell, the song became a vehicle for national reconciliation. As depicted in the movie “Invictus,” South Africans of all backgrounds joined together in singing Shosholoza in willing their team to victory in the 1995 rugby World Cup. Today, Shosholoza is an unofficial South African national anthem and reminds us that change is possible.

So fun to sing!!!

This song is in the public domain.

Kulezo ntaba
Stimbela siphubme South Africa
Wen’ uyabaleka
Kulezo ntaba
Stimbela siphubme South Africa

Go forward
You are meandering on those mountains
The train is from South Africa

You accelerate
you accelerate
on those mountains
The train is from South Africa