The Earth Holds Me – Heather Houston

For the moments we need to feel held and connected – to be able to sink in and feel resourced. I use the lyrics earth, sea, tree, sky, stars, but please use as a zipper song and invite yourself or your participants to bring their ideas in to the mix.


The earth holds me
so I can hold others,
yes I can hold others,
these arms are strong.

In this version I add in:
Sea, tree, sky, stars, sun, etc…

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

My Spirit is Resilient – Heather Houston

Positive affirmations for this human experience.


My spirit is resilient
My body heals
My mind knows its brilliance
And my precious heart it feels

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Sisters of the Moon – Heather Houston

An affirmation of who we are as we weave the web of love across the world. May we continue to rise together! I usually teach only the melody of this song and just have fun singing it!  🙂


We are sisters of the moon
And daughters of the sun
We are mothers of the world
Our voices they are one

We are lovers of the earth
And guardians of the land
We are weavers of the dream
Together we are standing

We are healers
We are teachers
We are dreamers
We are revealers
Of the TRUTH

We are sisters of the moon
And daughters of the sun
We are mothers of the world
Our voices they are one

We are lovers of the earth
And guardians of the land
We are weavers of the dream
Together we are standing

© Heather Houston

All rights reserved

Bathed in Moonlight – Heather Houston

Moon bathing magic. Simple, quiet, gentle, easy to learn. To be sung quietly, as a lullaby.


Bathed in moonlight,
Soft breeze
Quiet night

Don chit dit di deet don don don
Don chit dit di deet don

Low Harmony:
Dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom

High Harmony:

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

River of Kindness — Heather Houston

Inspired by a Continuum Movement practice led by Beth Riley. Awakening the rivers of love and kindness within.

A river of kindness flows through me
Undulating her way to the sea
Surrendering to love’s embrace
Held within the arms of grace

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Listen — Heather Houston

This elegant, mystical, circular song flowed through me for the Winter Solstice of 2020, inviting us to trust the wisdom of our own hearts. Enjoy!

Shruti box in B♭ (B♭ and F open), or singing bowl in D.

You’re welcome to share this song with others. Recording is not permitted. Thank you.


The answer lies within me
Deep within my heart
The wisdom I am seeking
Divine love will impart

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Wind – Heather Houston

Wind By Heather Houston

This beautiful chant swept through me one magical Spring day in my little garden paradise. The melody captivated my spirit, and before I knew it I was in the house recording what I heard and eight different harmony parts emerged. It’s a super rough cut, but I’m delighted to share. My voice, in the raw, completely spontaneous, no edits, no re-dos… just the spirit of the wind singing through me…

You are welcome to sing and share, please do not record.

Wind purify me
Help me to see
the way to my freedom

© Heather Houston
all rights reserved

I Believe in the Power of Love — Heather Houston

A powerful affirmation to get us through these challenging times. Simple, fun, and uplifting!

Please sing and share!

I believe in the power of love
I believe we will rise above

© Heather Houston
all rights reserved

Bring Me Little Water Sylvie – Lead Belly

Bring Me Little Water Sylvie
by Lead Belly

When performing this song, Lead Belly would often tell his audiences that the song was about his uncle Bob Ledbetter, who worked out on the fields plowing the soil. When he got thirsty, he would call for his wife, Sylvie, to bring him some water.

This song is in the public domain.

Bring me little water Sylvie
Bring me little water now
Bring me little water Sylvie
Every little once in a while

Bring it in a bucket Sylvie
Bring it in a bucket now
Bring it in a bucket every once in a while

Silvie come a running
Bucket in my hand
I will bring a little water
Fast as I can

Bring me little water Sylvie
Bring me little water now
Bring me little water Sylvie
Every little once in a while

Can’t you see me coming
Can’t you see me now
I will bring a little water
Every once in a while

Take Me To The Edge – Heather Houston

Take Me To The Edge by Heather Houston

This one flowed through after our first community singing retreat at Esalen. I was on my way to the song leader after-party, and it jumped in. Rhythmically challenging and fun to do with a group of more advanced singers. Funky, groovy, soulful.

Please sing and share. Please do not record.

Take me to the edge
Of the world
Take me to the edge of the sea
Take me to the edge
of my resistance
Where I meet the one who’s longing to be free!

© Heather Houston
all rights reserved