Storm of Sound – Valerie Byrne

A beautiful layer song of empowerment. This one came through Valerie the day of the 2019 Women’s march. We like to get everyone marching to the beat together to feel even more deeply the solidarity of the community. Valerie is a long time member of my women’s choir Yala Lati and has been writing more and more songs for us to enjoy!

Part 1
A storm of sound, a growing thunder
What will change? I wonder?

Part 2
We are the voice of this age
Let your voice rage rage like thunder

Part 3
We are the one walking in truth
Let your voice rage like thunder

Storm of Sound

You Are Light by Heather Houston

A beautiful gathering song for these times. Namaste – the light (Divine) in me honors the light (Divine) within you. A beautiful greeting song!!

Part 1
The light in me, honors the light within you

Part 2
Oh… you are, yes you are, light

Part 3
Oh… you are light

Part 4
I am light, you are light, I am light, you are light

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Gayatri Mantra – Traditional Vedic Chant

One of my favorite morning chants from the Vedic tradition


Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha,
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dayat

Meaning and History:

A prayer to the Divine Light Traditionally chanted in the morning as the sun is rising

The Gayatri mantra first appeared in the Rig Veda, an early Vedic text written between 1800 and 1500 BCE


The eternal, earth, air, heaven
That glory, that resplendence of the sun
May we contemplate on the brilliance of that light
May the sun inspire our minds

I’m Going Back – Heather Houston

A great rhythmic entrainment song. I love to get my singers moving their feet together on this one, and then eventually invite them to play the heart beat on their chest. This one flowed through one morning in thinking about recording my “Sisters of the Moon” album. It didn’t make it on the album, but it sure is fun to sing in circle. Enjoy!

© Heather Houston 2019
All rights reserved


I’m going back
to the earth
I’m going back
to be re-birthed
into the cycles of the moon
where I feel the rhythm of our unified
heart, beat
I’m going back

Lokah Samastah

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit mantra which means:

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

A mantra from the Vedic tradition, where mantras are chanted on only three notes. SA, RE, and NI. Over time, mantras such as this one have been turned into countless melodies and rhythms. I learned this particular one from Slivia Nakkach. She learned it on her travels in India.

Full Moon Chant — Heather Houston

This chant flowed through me one magical full moon night while having a soak in my outdoor bathtub. Luxurious!


In the light of the full moon I am love
Offering my prayers to rise above
The thoughts and the fears that hold me down
From thriving on this earth
As she spins around

In the light of the full moon I am peace
Offering my heart to be released
From the things that no longer serve my soul
Knowing now that I am whole

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Professional recording from Heather’s Sisters of the Moon album, featuring her women’s choir, Yala Lati:

Rough recording from Heather’s GarageBand app:

Cherokee Morning Song – Traditional

Chanting the sun up! This one resonates deeply with my soul. I thank the ones who channeled this beautiful song through. Learned from from a Waleala CD.

Public Domain


Winde ya ho
Winde ya ho
Winde ya
Winde ya
Ho ho ho ho
Hey oh hey oh
Ya ya ya

Birthday Blessing — Heather Houston

Written for my Sisters in Harmony circles and my choir Yala Lati. A beautiful way to bless each other for our birthdays. We put the birthday women of the day or month into the middle of the circle and ask them to receive the blessing of our hearts and voices singing to them.

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved


We adore you beautiful one
We see your light shine like the sun
And we bless you on this day
Knowing angels guide the way

Chant to Nana by Heather Houston

In the Yoruba traditions, Nana is the Great Grandmother of all the Orishas, the Grandmother of our sacred waters, and the Mother of the Universe. This wise and revered Orisha embodies the spirit of the earth, the moon, the rain, mud, swamps and fresh spring waters. She is the energy of transformative healing powers. She watches over the women and is the protector of everything female. It is said that she has very little patience for men and surrounds herself mainly with priestesses. Women find comfort in her knowledge and strength. They flock to her for guidance and spiritual healing.

For many years I chanted chants to Nana with my teacher Alba Lirio. One day when I was driving through the hills of Marin, tending to my broken heart, an original melody flowed through me with lyrics to Nana. I clearly needed the healing energy she brings, and have been forever grateful for the gift of this chant. The women in my circles adore it as well.


Part 1: (the round)
Eh na na Eh na na Eh na na, Eh na na Eh na na Eh

Part 2: (the hight part)
Eh di na na eh wa
Eh wa eh wa
Eh wa eh wa eh

Part 3: (the low part)
Eh di na na eh wa
Eh wa eh wa
Eh wa eh wa

Zominamina from the Ivory Coast

A gathering song from the Ivory Coast. I learned this one from an Inkululeko CD back in 2000 when I was teaching elementary school. I arranged the harmonies for my students. It became a favorite for all of the grades, every year. Adults love it too! 😉

Try keeping the rhythm in your hands or feet as you sing it.

This song is in the public domain
Arranged by Heather Houston


Zominamina eh eh
Wake wake eh eh eh
Zominamina zonga le wa
Ana wa ah ah

Zongo eh eh eh
Zongo eh eh eh
Zominamina zonga le wa
Ana wa ah ah