I Say Yes — Heather Houston

Saying yes to our dreams…

I say yes
I say yes
I say yes

© Heather Houston

Show Me What Is Mine to Do — Heather Houston

As we continue to navigate our way in these confounding times, I find it helpful to make requests like: “Show me what is mine to do. Truly mine, not anyone else’s. Please continue revealing to me my own unique path. How can I share my gifts? How can I best be of service to my community?”

Show me what is mine to do

© Heather Houston
July 2020

I Am Enough — Heather Houston

For the New Moon in Aries 2020. It’s time for all of us to trust our own worth and allow our spirits to shine! The world needs us!!


Part 1
I am enough, I am more than enough
I am enough, I am more than enough
I am enough, I am more than enough
And I’m reclaiming my power

Part 2
There is room enough for me to be
Exactly who I was born to be
And I will set my true gifts free
‘Cause I’m reclaiming my power

Part 3
I’m a unique expression of the Divine
And I’m here to let my spirit shine!

© Heather Houston
all rights reserved