Divine Mystery — Heather Houston

This one flowed through for a room full of women entrepreneurs. It’s been a favorite for many ever since. A beautiful layer song.


Oh I am opening up for a dance with Divine Mystery
Oh I am trusting the path that’s unfolding before me with ease

Just let go now, trust the flow
Just let go now, then you’ll know

Right on time now, I’ve arrived
Right on time now, I’m aligned

© Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Sisters of the Moon Album Version:

 Rough Recording on Heather’s Garage Band: 

Re-Wild My Soul — Heather Houston

This beautiful chant poured through me one morning in a meditation on my sister’s land in northern Washington. With Mt. Baker above me, Canyon Creek below me, sunshine, wind, eagles, vast sky and forest all around me, I went into a deep state of communion with the land and allowed this song to move through. It doesn’t make grammatical sense entirely, but it’s easier to teach this way. Enjoy!


Note: The order of the verses here is as recorded on my Sisters of the Moon album, the first SoundCloud track below. The practice tracks are an earlier version with a different order of verses and slightly different wording on the “Vast Sky” verse. Please use the most recent lyrics when you offer this song, thank you!

Oh RIVER, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to flow with ease again
I am ready, take me in

Oh MOUNTAIN, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to lift mine eyes again
I am ready, take me in

Oh EAGLE, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to fly so free again
I am ready, take me in

Oh VAST SKY, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to be spaciousness again
I am ready, take me in

Oh SOFT WIND, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to be clear and cleansed again
I am ready, take me in

Oh FOREST, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to trust this path again
I am ready, take me in

Oh SUNSHINE, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to shine with warmth again
I am ready, take me in

Oh MAMA, re-wild my soul
Help me let go of control
Show my heart how to beat with yours again
I am ready, take me in

©Heather Houston
All rights reserved

Sisters of the Moon album version:

Practice Tracks:

Gayatri Mantra – Traditional Vedic Chant

One of my favorite morning chants from the Vedic tradition


Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha,
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dayat

Meaning and History:

A prayer to the Divine Light Traditionally chanted in the morning as the sun is rising

The Gayatri mantra first appeared in the Rig Veda, an early Vedic text written between 1800 and 1500 BCE


The eternal, earth, air, heaven
That glory, that resplendence of the sun
May we contemplate on the brilliance of that light
May the sun inspire our minds

Show Me the Way — Heather Houston

This is a song about claiming our readiness for forward movement in our lives. It came through in a time when I was feeling stagnant and ready for a big shift. So I offered up my hands, my heart, my mind, my voice and asked Love to show me the way. And it did. Prayer is a powerful thing. We just need to find the courage to ask.

© 2018 Heather Houston
All rights reserved


Part 1:
I am openin’ to the fire that’s sparking the desire in my heart. Yeah!

Part 2:
I will lay my burdens down, get out the way, seize the day!

Part 3:
I will offer up these hands, yeah!
I will offer up this heart, yeah!
I will offer up this mind, yeah!
I will offer up this voice, yeah!

Part 4:
Show me the way! Yeah!